Tax Preparation
Base price for tax returns is $125
Schedule C returns are $450, plus $100 for each additional Schedule C.
Schedule E returns are $350 plus $50 for each additional Schedule E.
If you have stock or crypto transactions, we charge $50 for each form 8949 created.
Earned income credit returns add $125
For additional questions about price, we are happy to provide a free consultation and price quote. You don't pay until you're satisfied.
Base price for business returns is $400.
We work with small business owners to file returns based on IRS regulations. We stand by our work and will provide documentation of our research at the client's request. If you need help with categorizing your income and expenses, we can help with that too for an additional fee. Ask us about our subscription packages for discounted pricing.
Plus even more
Payroll Support
Bookkeeping Support
Life Insurance
Homeowner's Insurance
Auto Insurance
Personal Budgeting